Harborne Primary School
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
At HPS we know that spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning is essential when supporting our pupils on their individual development journeys, and that this in turn, will help build a positive society for everyone. After all, this is fundamentally what education is all about! This learning is addressed both explicitly throughout many areas of our taught curriculum and implicitly through our wide-ranging Personal Development offer.
Both PSHE and RE curricula progressively guide our pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions, as well as encouraging our children to participate in and impact positively on the world around them. With qualities including tolerance, respect and resilience at the heart of everything we do.
Some examples of the ways in which we support our pupils with SMSC include:
- Weekly Assemblies articulate our school’s values and embed PSHE learning
- Teaching children about different faiths and world views in the curriculum and elsewhere in school life and by celebrating significant faith events.
- Opportunities to learn about and celebrate national cultural events and festivals, build cultural capital in our daily school lives.
- Explicit teaching around diversity and equality with an age-appropriate approach to knowledge of the Equality Act, promoting respect for others at all times.
- Explicit teaching through a range of subjects including PSHE, RE, modern foreign languages and the arts
- Explicitly teaching children the difference between right and wrong through lessons and our behaviour policy, starting in EYFS with 'Stop I don't like it' as the first step to learning about respect and consent.
- Promoting the importance of working together and supporting each other towards a common goal.
- Valuing imagination and creatively learning, both in and beyond the classroom.