Harborne Primary School
Our Science Leads are Mrs Miller and Mr Williams.
The Link Governor is Kully Samra.
Our aim is to develop an inquisitive learner who has an understanding of, and enthusiasm for the world around them, their role within it, and the impact they can have upon it.
Science throughout the school develops a scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through biology, chemistry and physics. Topics include living things, materials and their properties and physical processes such as sound and light, as set out in the National Curriculum.
This knowledge-based scheme is taught through a variety of investigative processes, activities and research. Children are encouraged throughout the school to work scientifically and they learn to plan investigations, obtain evidence, look for patterns and consider their results. Skills such as observing, questioning, predicting, measuring, recording, evaluating and communicating their findings (orally, graphically, in writing and through the use of ICT) are all developed as children move through the school. We also make much use of the grounds in our two sites and the local environment. An important part of the children's learning involves exploring the uses, implications and careers available, embedded with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
For more details and information on our curriculum, please look at the Curriculum Map for Science below.