Harborne Primary School
PE and Sports Grant
Statement of Intent
Our aim is for children to have an understanding of how to be both mentally and physically healthy. They will have taken part in a variety of inclusive sports and activities to build confidence and resilience through personal challenge.
PE Sport Premium - Evidencing the Impact
Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to see our most recent PE and Sport premium documents.
Ofsted Quote:
"The school has made detailed and highly effective arrangements for spending the primary sports funding. It is used to widen opportunities for pupils to take part in sports activities, and to improve teachers' expertise through working with specialist coaches and arranging for staff to attend courses."
PE Kit
On your child's PE days, they will be expected to come to school in their kit. This should consist of:
- A white t-shirt - with the house colours and the school badge or plain if this can not be sourced
- Black or navy shorts, joggers or leggings with no patterns or large logos
- Clean and comfortable trainers
- Children should wear their school jumper, not their own
Children should tie long hair back and remove all jewellery unless otherwise cleared beforehand with the teacher.
* If your child is unable to tie their laces, please ensure they wear footwear which they can put on themselves.
School Games
At Harborne Primary School we are dedicated participants in the School Games. We love to get involved with festivals and competitions!
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded Silver from the School Games!