Harborne Primary School
Our Aims
Our ethos
1. To value children as individuals: celebrating their achievements and supporting their individual needs within a framework of equal opportunities.
2. To provide opportunities for social, moral, spiritual and cultural development so that children value and respect their own and other cultures.
3. To encourage children to accept personal responsibility for their own behaviour and to be caring and sensitive towards the needs of others and the environment.
Our curriculum
4. To provide an exciting and relevant curriculum which motivates the children to learn, working both collaboratively and independently.
5. To promote high standards of achievement through careful planning and assessment of children’s progress, which maximises each child's individual potential.
Our staff
6. To use the expertise of individual staff to encourage teamwork and promote quality teaching and learning.
7. To value all our staff and provide opportunities for their professional development.
Our community
8. To promote a partnership between staff, parents, governors and the wider community, which enhances children’s learning.
9. To match our available resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to curriculum and whole-school objectives.
10.To consider carefully the use of space so as to provide an attractive, safe and stimulating learning environment.
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