Harborne Primary School
Friends of Harborne Primary School
Friends of Harborne Primary School - Who we are
All parents are automatically members of our lively Parents Association and some enjoy making new friends by attending monthly meetings and /or helping out at events. We organise many events during the year including Film Clubs, school discos, DIY days and Summer and Christmas Fairs.
All proceeds raised from Friends events fund school projects that will benefit children in all years and on both sites.
We usually meet at 8pm on the first school Monday of each month. You can contact Mrs Hallam in school via our enquiry email address if you want to get involved. Events and information about Friends are shared in the weekly school newsletter.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram!
We are on Facebook-Friends of Harborne Primary School www.facebook.com/friendsofharborneprimaryschool/
Instagram-search and follow friendsofhps
Thank you to the 400 plus supporters on Easyfundraising who have raised over £10,000 for the school. Please think about buying through Easyfundraising; every penny really does add up! It’s one of the easiest ways to raise money, and over 7,500 brands are included in the scheme, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos and M&S. It doesn’t cost you anything and is quick and easy. Why not ask family and friends to sign-up too?
To register visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/harborneprimary/ or simply download the Easyfundraising app. There is a handy donation reminder that will pop up when you are shopping online-you pay nothing extra, but school gets a donation when you shop.