Harborne Primary School
Design and Technology
Our Design and Technology Lead is Mrs Khand
Design and Technology
Our aim is to develop creative and reflective designers, who have the technical skills and knowledge required to make products that solve real and relevant problems.
At Harborne Primary School, we want our children to become confident and competent designers. Through a range of exciting projects linked to our broad curriculum, children develop their design skills and use them to solve problems in the real world. We place a strong emphasis on the full design process. Children use research to plan their products, learn a range of technical skills to make them and meaningfully evaluate their final designs.
Our Design Technology curriculum is split into three key areas: structures, mechanisms and textiles. Throughout their studies, children have the opportunity to work with a range of materials, including wood, paper, textiles, clay and electrical components. They learn to approprately select and safely use a variety of technical tools, with their skills progressing as they move through the school. Food also plays a significant part in our Design Technology studies. The Studio is a specialised, fully-equipped space for Food Technology lessons, allowing our children to design and make a variety of tasty offerings.
From Reception to Year 6, we hold a number of exciting events. The junior 'Design a Pancake' event, the Easter Eggs-Hibition challenge and the Easter Bonnet Parade allow children to use their design skills outside of school and gives them the opportunity to show what talented designers they are!
Design Technology does not only give our children the opportunity to refine their technical skills and knowledge. It also encourages them to develop many of the personal attributes that we value at Harborne Primary School. Through their studies, children will build resilience, teamwork, creativity, self-reflection and problem solving skills, which will serve them well throughout their educational journeys and beyond.